The Empress

Eye The Empress was founded by Jaelah Majette, a boy mom, daughter, sister, an influencer and youtuber turned entrepreneur. Deeply spiritual and divinely guided, Jaelah discovered her gifts at an early age and grew into her purpose of being a light and transforming the world. Her journey of self love, motherhood and healing inspired her to create her very own organic feminine wellness brand to help women embrace their inner empress. Highly Influential, Jaelah's very transformational journey has accumulated over 700k supporters, physically all across the world but very connected in a different realm.

the reason.

The day I gave birth to my son, I experienced a different version of myself. A version of myself I knew existed deep down inside of me as little girl tucking my baby dolls into bed at night and as a teenager watching A Baby Story on TLC in the morning getting ready for school. That version of me was fearless, she was powerful, she was confident. I was always fascinated by women, our instinctual abilities, our sacred bodies, our intuitive nature and I witnessed that power inside of myself the day I gave birth to my son. I became passionate about exploring and harnessing that power, walking in it ever since and holding hands with all the women i’ve connected with along the way.   My son and I are lifetimes deep into this journey but we're really just getting started.  I’m dedicated to protecting and helping women experience their own power while embracing their divine femininity. pur. 

-with love, Jae.

the inspiration.

The brand is inspired by Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of many things including love, women, the sky, fertility, pleasure, motherhood and beauty. She was the daughter of Ra, also known as "Eye of Ra", Hence, Eye The Empress. Popular and powerful, she was protector of women and worshipped by men. In human form, she wears the headdress of cow horns and a sun disk while her animal form is a cow to represent her nurturing abilities. She is known as the “Mother of Mothers” and the heart of Eye The Empress.